[LOADING] Please wait a moment... //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUIT] Do you really want to quit ? [YES] Yes [NO] No //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NO_PERMISSION] NO PERMISSION TO LAND //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CHOOSE_LEVEL] Choose a level : //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [MAKE_CHOICE] Make your choice now... With the _s button you can play this game again. With _a you will return to the airport. The _m button moves you to the map. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME01_HELP] We=are go#ing to the mar#ket to do some shop#ping. #Look at the shop#ping list and click on the fruit I need. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME02_HELP] We are go#ing to the res#tau#rant. #Do you know the game 4 IN A ROW=? #Quick, #beat the cook and put four ham#bur#gers #in a row before he does. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME03_HELP] Let's co#lour. #Click on the paint#box and co#lour the dra#wing in. #When you're done, #click on the ar#rows to go to the next pic#ture. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME04_HELP] We=are go#ing to a con#cert. #Lis#ten to the mu#si#cians and click on them in the or#der that you hear them. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME05_HELP] Let's go to the In#ca Tem#ple. #Do you know how to play MEMORY=? #Click on the tab#lets that match. #Try to find all the pairs to fi#nish the game. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME06_HELP] Help me stop the es#ki#mo's snow#balls. #Press the let#ter key that mat#ches the let#ter you see in the snow#ball. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME07_HELP] Can you help me to get to my space#ship=? #Click on the ar#rows #or use the ar#row keys on the key#board to help me get through this maze. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME08_HELP] We=are go#ing to the zoo. [GAME08_HELP_1] Click on the a#ni#mals to hear what they sound like. [GAME08_HELP_2] Click on the a#ni#mal that mat#ches the sound you hear. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME09_HELP] We=are go#ing to play with num#bers now. #Look at the num#ber on the screen. #This is how much my space#ship weighs. #Now click on the right weights and ba#lance the scales. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [GAME10_HELP] We=are go#ing to play HUNT THE OB#JECT. #Look for the ob#jects that are on the list and click on the dra#wing. #When you're done, #click on the ar#rows to go to the next pic#ture. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [COCKPIT_INFO] Brazil Brazilia 8.511.965 km^2 144.369.000 United States Washington 9.372.614 km^2 245.871.000 Russia Moscow 22.402.200 km^2 285.659.000 France Paris 551.500 km^2 55.873.000 Mexico Mexico City 1.972.550 km^2 93.985.848 North pole not used not used not used China Peking 9.596.961 km^2 1.083.889.000 South Africa Pretoria 1.219.912 km^2 45.095.459 Saudia Arabia Riyadh 2.149.690 km^2 18.729.576 Australia Canberra 7.686.848 km^2 16.506.000 Canada Ottawa 9.976.139 km^2 26.104.000 Peru Lima 1.285.216 km^2 20.681.000 Argentina Buenos Aires 2.766.889 km^2 31.506.000 Bolivia La Paz 1.098.581 km^2 6.917.000 Venezuela Caracas 912.050 km^2 18.759.000 Colombia Bogota 1.138.914 km^2 30.007.000 South Pole ... ... ... Egypt Cairo 1.001.450 km^2 62.359.623 Zaire Kinshasa 2.345.410 km^2 44.060.636 Algeria Algiers 2.381.740 km^2 28.539.321 Sudan Khartoum 2.505.810 km^2 30.120.420 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 1.127.127 km^2 55.979.018 Sahara ... ... ... Kenya Nairobi 582.650 km^2 28.817.227 Nigeria Lagos 923.770 km^2 101.232.251 Namibia Windhoek 825.418 km^2 1.651.545 Angola Luanda 1.246.700 km^2 10.069.501 Zambia Lusaka 752.610 km^2 9.445.723 Mozambique Maputo 801.590 km^2 18.115.250 Tanzania Dodoma 945.090 km^2 28.701.077 Mongolia Oelanbator 1.565.000 km^2 2.086.000 India New Delhi 3.287.590 km^2 813.990.000 Iran Teheran 1.648.000 km^2 6406250455 Pakistan Islamabad 769.095 km^2 105.677.000 Indonesia Jakarta 1.904.569 km^2 174.832.000 Japan Tokyo 377.801 km^2 122.433.000 Atlantic Ocean not used not used not used Indian Ocean not used not used not used Pacific Ocean not used not used not used Spain Madrid 504.782 km^2 38.997.000 Belgium Brussels 30.514 km^2 9.867.000 Germany Berlin 356.910 km^2 77.714.000 Sweden Stockholm 440.945 km^2 8.357.000 Denmark Copenhagen 43.077 km^2 5.133.000 Finland not used not used not used Great Britain London 244.017 km^2 57.065.000 Italy Rome 301.268 km^2 57.470.000 Norway not used not used not used Scandinavia not used not used not used Chad N'Djamena 1.284.000 km^2 5.200.000 Niger Niamey 1.267.000 km^2 8.300.000 Mali Bamako 1.240.000 km^2 8.500.000 Mauritania Nouakchott 1.030.700 km^2 2.100.000 Lybia Tripoli 1.759.540 km^2 4.500.000 Norway Oslo 324.220 km^2 4.300.000 Sweden Stockholm 449.964 km^2 8.700.000 Finland Helsinki 337.030 km^2 5.000.000 Denmark Copenhagen 43.070 km^2 5.200.000